Even if we were sporting fangs that would make a vampire jealous, this anatomical feature alone wouldn't provide moral justification for killing animals merely to savour their flesh.
The term 'canines' in humans refers more to their position and classification in our dental structure rather than their function or resemblance to the canines of true carnivores like lions. Almost all mammals possess canine teeth. The common ancestor of mammals was likely omnivorous so even cows and horses have canine teeth and many animals equipped with far larger canines than humans predominantly follow a herbivorous diet. This includes certain primates and Hippopotamus who, despite their formidable hardware, eat plants.
Human canines bear little resemblance to the true canines of carnivorous animals. Our so-called canines are not adapted for tearing through tough, raw animal hide, and certainly not for hunting or consuming live prey. Their structure, shape, and strength are significantly different from the sharp, robust canines found in carnivorous species.
Fundamentally, extensive research and numerous health studies have consistently shown that humans can thrive for generations on a diet that's all plants, all the time. Therefore, the presence and shape of our teeth do not impose any biological imperative to consume animal flesh.
We have a choice, and just as fists can be used for violence, we have the choice to live without harming others.
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