Excuse: Since my culture or family traditions specifically allows or demands that I eat meat, I am morally free or required to do so.

Claiming tradition justifies all is like saying because your ancestors rode horses, you should shun cars for horseback. It's amusing, but let's not trot back to the past without questioning.

Remember, once upon a time, folks thought the world was flat and bathing was optional. Fast forward, and we're not just cleaner but wiser, understanding that culture's not your get-out-of-ethics-free card. Take, for instance, slavery—once a tradition, now universally condemned. Female genital mutilation? Still a tradition, sadly, and a stark reminder that not all traditions are worth keeping. 

Imagine if we applied 'it's tradition' logic universally. "Why yes, I duel at dawn because my ancestors enjoyed a good squabble at sunrise." Or, "Of course, I send messages via pigeon. Emails? Too modern and lacking in tradition!" It highlights the absurdity of clinging to practices simply because they're handed down.

Tradition should be a bridge to the past, not a barricade against ethical progress. Let's not forget, evolving traditions to embrace compassion and ethics isn't breaking them; it's improving them for a world that desperately needs it.

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