Started in 2016 as a simple educational Facebook page teaching the environmental and health benefits of plantbased diets, a Twitter page soon followed which set out to systematically destroy the myths of Carnism.

The name is a response to a targeted Facebook Ad for 'Carnivore Club'.

The Twitter page exploded in popularity as Herbivore Club took a progressively hardline approach advocating for the ethics that veganism is centered on. #ForTheAnimals 


In January 2017 we started regularly attending Anonymous for the Voiceless cube of truth demonstrations and The Animal Save Movement vigils across North Wales and North West England up to 6 days a month. We also represented Animal Aid and The Animal Save Movement at festivals.

#Hashtag Takeovers

In February 2018 we took on the dairy industry and their hashtag #Februdairy. Quickly blocked by the leader of the campaign, that didn't stop us from coordinating with influential activists all over Twitter to ensure that the campaign failed on the Twitter front. We knew that Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube was in safe hands with the vegan community, we focused on what we do best. By the 18th of the month, our account had five times exposure on the hashtag than the next leading account, by the end of the month other far larger accounts joined the party and we remained in the top 20 overall highlighted in a Plant Based News article.

#Februdairy stats by 18/02/18


In March 2018 we started a low key YouTube channel.

Animal Save Organiser

In March 2018 we set up our first chapter with Animal Save UK, the location a 200-year-old livestock market selling hundreds of cows and sheep each week at the heart of a busy rural shopping town drawing attention to this site each month with increasing public support.

Laces & Rodney 🐷

In April 2018 we rescued a 3-month-old piglet we named Laces for her love of chewing shoes. She was listed free on classified ads as 'friend or food'. Shortly after we rescued a 6-month-old male called Rodney in the same position. We raised them and showed them kindness for over a year. While we could save them from slaughter we could not give them their best life, so after discussing it with Beneath The Wood Sanctuary, a fundraiser was started to fence an empty field at the sanctuary they now call home, opening the door for pigs in a similar situation. Donate Here.

Farrowing Crate Petiton 🐖

In April 2018 we started a 6-month long petition to the UK government to ban the use of farrowing crates. The petition closed with 10,495 signatures 🐷


Animal Save Organiser 

In October 2018 we took over a dormant Animal Save UK chapter, restarting monthly vigils at a chicken slaughterhouse.


In addition to regularly handing leaflets out during street talks. In October 2018 we joined two other influential activists in promoting and participating in 'The Big Vegan Leaflet Drop'. World Vegan Day 01/11/18 saw hundreds of activists across 9 countries hit the streets posting leaflets through doors and handed out on busy street corners.

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